Könyvajánló: Barbara Minto The pyramid principle


Ha van egy olyan könyv, amit szerintem mindenkinek el kéne olvasnia, nem pedig csak a case studysoknak. Akkor ezt a könyvet ajánlanám. Miért? Erre három érvem van.

  • Megtanít az elején egy top-down álláspont kialakítására. (Ami gyakorlatilag a case studyban az action title-nek felel meg.) Ami arra jó, hogy mindenki egy másodperc alatt megértse, hogy miről akarsz beszélni a következő öt percben.
  • Megtanít arra, hogy logikusan csoportosítsd az érveidet, ez pedig könnyebben olvashatóvá teszi az irományodat. Ami jelentősen segít nem csak egyetemi, de később munkahelyi pályafutásod során is.
  • Megtanít a situation, complication, question, answer struktúrára, ami jelentősen hatékonyabbá teheti a mindennapi emailjeidet.

A könyv rövid összefoglalóját itt olvashatjátok. (http://lab.cfmt.it/pdf/The%20Pyramid%20Principle.pdf)

De érdemes magát a könyvet is elolvasni, mert sokat segíthet a strukturáltabb gondolkodásba és írásba.

A végén pedig olvashattok egy motivációs levelet, amit mi írtunk egy versenyre és piramis struktúrába készült, hogy lássátok, hogy ezt a gyakorlatba is tudjátok alkalmazni.


To whom it may concern,

It is our understanding that both our team and the Warsaw negotiation challenge would benefit greatly if we were given the possibility to take part in this years’ edition. This letter describes three reasons that support this statement.

Firstly, our team has a strong academic background. All of us are currently studying at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University which is the leading university in the Netherlands and ranked 14th in Europe. We take an MSc degree in Strategic Management which was ranked as 7th worldwide among master studies in business according to the 2012 Financial Times. This partly shows our analytical skills are up to par and our university has the prestige you are looking for.

Secondly, our team consists of individuals with highly diverse professional backgrounds. These range from offering professional advisory services at PWC, to conducting investment banking at Morgan Stanley to entrepreneurship, having pursued start-ups in many different areas. We feel that the solid work experience combined with educational background in leading European university enables us to claim that we have adequate analytical and reasoning skills.

Lastly, and most importantly, is what brings us all together: the passion for business and striving for excellence. Each of us has participated in numerous competitions where we got great results; you can find the finalist positions in national and international tournaments around the world in our CV’s. One of our teammates’ passions lies in entrepreneurship. He has launched several companies by means of co-creation sessions with people he met all over the world. Concerning our joint passion for excellence, we have participated as a team in a case study competition last November. This experience offers a great opportunity to explain our commitment, as we were discussing until around 4 a.m. whether we should use ROE or NPV to show the jury that our solution is the best. This clearly illustrates that we love what we do and therefore we can fuel your event with our enormous energy.

In conclusion, we have what it takes to contribute to the success of the Warsaw Negotiation Challenge this year – solid academic background, diverse professional experience and shared passion for what we do. We kindly ask you to consider us as a worthy candidate.

Yours sincerely,


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